Written by Wes Price
Have you heard about the growing use of prefabricated exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS) panels? We’ve pulled together some frequently asked questions to help you understand the common uses, benefits, and technical aspects of Dryvit EIFS systems.
1. What are EIFS panels?
EIFS panels are prefabricated, multi-layered insulated exterior wall assemblies delivered to the construction site ready installation. This factory-built approach enhances quality control, mitigates weather-related challenges and can reduce project timelines by up to 50%. Learn more about the benefits of prefab construction with our Offsite 101 Guide.
2. Are EIFS systems suitable for both new construction and restoration projects?
Yes. EIFS exterior wall panels are versatile solutions used in both new construction and restoration projects. Dryvit’s Fedderlite® panels are particularly advantageous for restoration due to their method of attachment and lightweight nature, which enables quick façade refreshes with minimal disruption to tenants. They are especially beneficial in the Deep Energy Retrofit (DER) space.
On the other hand, Outsulite panels are ideal for new construction, significantly speeding up the exterior building schedule by 30-50%, leading to faster occupancy.
3. What are the typical panel dimensions/sizes?
Fedderlite panels are designed to be smaller for easy handling, with maximum dimensions around 4’ x 8’ or 3’ x 12’. Outsulite panels can be much larger, incorporating studs, sheathing and Dryvit exterior finish systems. These are typically only limited by DOT shipping restrictions or specific on-site conditions, so they can be upwards of 8-14’ wide by 20-40’ long.
4. What is the minimum square footage of a project in order to make it cost-effective versus field application?
It depends on specific job requirements. Factors like job site access, size, schedule, weather and other site conditions may make exterior wall panelization the only viable option. Fedderlite projects can range from 1,000 to over 100,000 square feet, while Outsulite projects tend to be even larger. However, panelization can still be beneficial for small scale projects when access and weather conditions are taken into consideration.
5. How can drainage be maintained in a panelized system?
Maintaining proper drainage in panels is crucial for preventing moisture buildup and potential damage. Drainage can be easily incorporated at the base of the panel and window head using several techniques. One effective technique is the 2-piece weep system, which creates an open channel for efficient drainage, eliminating the need for weep tubes within the sealant. This system ensures that water can exit the façade, reducing the risk of moisture-related issues. Additionally, various other drainage options are available, tailored to specific project needs. Consult with a Tremco expert to help identify the most suitable drainage strategy for your project.
6. What is a typical substrate material between the framing and the EIFS panel?
Exterior wall panels can be attached to various substrates, although gypsum sheathing is the most common. Prior to installation though, we recommend applying an appropriate Weather-Resistive Barrier (WRB) to prevent air and water infiltration. Proper installation of a WRB helps prevent incidental water intrusion, which is critical for maintaining the longevity of the EIFS system. To accelerate this process further, look to integrated panels of gypsum sheathing with a factory-applied air and water barrier, such as USG and Tremco’s Securock® ExoAir 430®, which can enhance building performance and provide better warranties.
7. How do you maintain continuity with the air barrier?
Air barrier continuity is crucial for the building's energy efficiency and structural integrity. For Outsulite panels, we wrap the Dryvit lamina layer onto the stud or track at the panel perimeter to provide a basis for connecting the panel to the panel with the selected sealant solution. Products like Willseal® PF100 can also be introduced in the expansion joints to offer a compression seal between panels. This approach minimizes the reliance on traditional backer rod and sealant methods, ensuring a robust and continuous air barrier system.
8. What is the life expectancy of an EIFS-panelized exterior finish system?
EIFS systems have been used since the 1970s and 1980s, with many installations demonstrating long-term performance. Modern technology has streamlined application processes for continued decades of success. Through the DryvitCARE™ program, warranties can be renewed and extended, allowing buildings to be refreshed and modernized with new coatings after 20-30 years.
9. How do exterior wall panels account for deflection and movement?
EIFS exterior wall panels accommodate natural building deflection and movement by utilizing slip clip designs for attaching the panels to the structure, as designed by the structural engineer. Joints between panels are also enable building movement without compromising the integrity of the cladding system. By strategically placing expansion joints, these panels can adapt to changes in temperature, moisture levels and structural shifting over time, ensuring the long-term durability and performance of the building envelope.
10. How do exterior wall panels behave under a façade fire?
EIFS panels from Dryvit have undergone numerous NFPA 285 tests to ensure fire resistance and safety. These systems meet rigorous standards and provide reliable fire protection, offering peace of mind to building owners and occupants alike.
11. Is there a network of fabrication facilities producing exterior wall panels that I could work with?
Yes. Dryvit maintains a vast network of partner fabricators to give architects and builders access to local professionals capable of producing high-quality exterior finish systems in a panel. By leveraging these fabrication facilities, architects can collaborate with experienced teams to bring their design visions to life while benefiting from the speed, precision, and reliability offered by prefabricated EIFS panels. To learn more and find a fabricator, visit our Modulite Panelization webpage.
12. How do you attach the panels to the façade?
The attachment method depends on the type of panel. For example, Fedderlite panels are adhered, Fedderlite MP panels are attached using a patented mounting rail and Outsulite panels typically use slip or hard connections to the building’s structural elements.
Detailed connection methods can be found here.
13. How do you install outdoor wall panels in different weather/climates?
Prefabrication greatly reduces weather limitations, which only becomes an issue when safety is compromised. Since EIFS panels are built under a roof, all materials are installed and cured before arriving onsite, eliminating concerns about freezing, washouts, and other weather-related issues. Once installed, proper care must be taken to protect the cladding during the normal construction cycle. Adhered Fedderlite panels must follow temperature guidelines used in our specifications.
14. How do prefabricated EIFS systems contribute to energy efficiency?
Prefabricated exterior wall panels contribute to sustainable building design and contribute significantly to a building’s energy efficiency. They provide continuous insulation (CI) on the exterior of the structure with material options such as EPS, GPS, XPS, and Mineral Wool. Dryvit panels virtually eliminate heat transfer and thermal bridging so there are no gaps or breaks where air can escape. These panelized EIFS improve the overall airtightness of the building for improved performance and significantly reduce heating and cooling costs, leading to substantial energy savings.
15. Is there flexibility in the finishes and aesthetics of panelized exterior finish systems?
100%. Dryvit finish options offer remarkable design flexibility enabling unlimited aesthetic options. Our color, texture and specialty finishes can achieve various historical and contemporary looks. Popular options include the appearance of metal panels, wood grain, stone and brick without the weight of traditional masonry and metal with added insulation benefits. Additionally, acrylic finishes can achieve the look of weathered steel or antiqued plaster for unique architectural interest. This versatility allows architects to create stunning façades that meet both design and performance requirements.
For further details or specific project inquiries, feel free to contact us.