Dryvit Systems

Explore our cladding options...

Continuous Insulation (US)

Some Outsulation systems protect the underlying wall with an air- and water-resistive barrier under the rigid insulation, which maximizes the continuous insulation benefit. Outsulation systems can be installed in either “barrier,” “moisture drainage” or “pressure equalized” configurations, and these systems are engineered to perform in all climates and on all types of structures. On certain types of construction (high-rise) and in certain job conditions (cold weather), a prefabricated assembly method may be preferred.  
There are multiple Outsulation® systems all with varied advantages based on building type and need. But the common characteristic of all of them is the presence of continuous insulation (CI) as an integral part of the system. The concept of insulation on the outside of the wall- or Outsulation®- has been a signature characteristic of the Dryvit solution- more than 40 years before model energy codes required it in commercial construction! See Outsulation Solutions by Dryvit, DS266 for system descriptions.

Continuous Insulation (CI) Systems by Dryvit

Thermal bridging at the stud line and its inherent energy loss is the single largest challenge with traditional framed buildings. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the antidote to thermally inefficient, and largely under-insulated, buildings is Continuous Insulation (CI). National code bodies agree. In fact, CI has been required on most new construction since October 2013. When CI is incorporated into the building wall, thermal bridging is eliminated, controlling energy flow, conserving energy and reducing annual operating costs. That means lower heating and cooling costs year after year, and a more comfortable building for tenants, employees and customers alike. CI has been an inherent component of the Dryvit Outsulation® system since it was brought to the United States by Dryvit in 1969- truly a cladding system ahead of its time!

Continuous Insulation systems include:

•  Outsulation 
•  Outsulation Plus MD
•  Outsulation RMD
•  Outsulation HDCI
•  Outsulation LCMD 1-5
•  Outsulation MD
•  Outsulation PE
•  Outsulation X
•  Outsulation® Plus MD Securock® ExoAir® 430 
•  Outsulation® MD Securock® ExoAir® 430 
•  Outsulation® PE Securock® ExoAir® 430 
•  Outsulation® HDCI™ Securock® ExoAir® 430 
•  Outsulation® X™ Securock® ExoAir® 430 
•  Outsulation® Masonry Veneer System



Continuous Insulation (CAN)

Adhesive, rigid insulation, fiberglass mesh embedded in base coat, and finish, which are installed sequentially by a trained professional contractor as specified by the design team, and as required by code.

Some Outsulation systems protect the underlying wall with an air- and water-resistive barrier under the rigid insulation, which maximizes the continuous insulation benefit. Outsulation systems can be installed in either “barrier,” “moisture drainage” or “pressure equalized” configurations, and these systems are engineered to perform in all climates and on all types of structures. On certain types of construction (high-rise) and in certain job conditions (cold weather), a prefabricated assembly method may be preferred.

Direct Applied

The Dryvit Cement Board MD system is applied over approved sheathing substrates in residential and lowrise commercial applications when exterior insulation is not required.

Direct Applied Systems

In cases where continuous insulation (CI) is not required, Dryvit offers direct applied systems that provide an option for a Dryvit exterior finish system to be applied over exterior cement board with a water-resistive barrier and moisture drainage. The Cement Board MND system provides a high-performance exterior cladding without CI, affording the architect the option to choose from traditional or specialty Dryvit finishes like brick, lymestone, granite and even metal panels for the building exterior.

Direct Applied Systems include:

Cement Board MD

Panelization - Modulite

Factory-applied precision brought right to your job site

Pre-fabricated panels offer more than just factory-controlled system application; with them you can build in colder climates and your building envelope goes up faster, allowing less disruption on the job site and permitting you to work on the interior fittings faster once the exterior is complete.

With our Modulite pre-fabricated panel program you get all of the benefits of the traditional Outsulation® system, - lower installed cost, lower annual operating costs, lower environmental costs and limitless design flexibility – all in a factory-controlled environment.

Panelization systems include:

    •  Fedderlite
    •  Fedderlite M
    •  Fedderlite MP
    •  Outsulite
    •  Outsulite Securock ExoAir 430


ReVyvit™ by Dryvit - Solutions 1-6

ReVyvit™ by Dryvit 

There are tens of thousands of existing buildings in need of more than just exterior repairs and a face lift; many lack sufficient insulation and cost more to heat and cool than a building with an Outsulation® system. That's why we offer ReVyvit by Dryvit: our industry leading renovation solution set. No matter the building type or the level of renovation required, we have a solution to make your building not only perform better and in a less costly way, but look better than it ever has before.

Click on the Solution numbers below to learn more about our offerings.

ReVyvit™ Solution 1

ReVyvit™ Solution 2

ReVyvit™ Solution 3ci (continuous insulation)

ReVyvit™ Solution 4ci (continuous insulation)

ReVyvit™ Solution 5ci (continuous insulation)

ReVyvit™ Solution 6



Stucco has been a popular look for centuries, but let's face it: traditional stucco has also been plagued for centuries by cracking exteriors and performance issues stemming from the rigid nature of the system. By combining Old World methods with New World technology, you can get the stucco wall assembly you want with the performance you need.
Stucco Systems by Dryvit